Saturday, November 2, 2019

American Art Education in 1980s through today 2012 Research Paper

American Art Education in 1980s through today 2012 - Research Paper Example In the 1980s, art curriculum for K-12 focused on progressive education and self-expression. American technology education on art was founded, which is based on the cultural industrial education history.This focus addressed the need to develop art talent in children while nurturing their natural abilities. Art teachers taught painting, sculpture, drawing, ceramics, and other forms of art skills. The result of this approach was quite impressive. Many children were able to grasp the skills and produce aesthetic work. Another notable thing with revising of the art education curriculum in the 1980s is that it revitalized art education. Art education looked at history, traditional systems, and broader aspect of art to make art education interesting to pupils and the teachers. The 1980s curriculum stressed on art making while blending it with studies of art history, aesthetics, and criticism. The art education curriculum of the 1980s did stress on visual art education. Many art students sta rt by learning art through visual art. Apparently, the current visual art education curriculum is similar to the curriculum of the 1980s. In the 1990s, art education in the United States had some new development. For instance, in visual art education, researchers of art education argued that everyday realities and personal realities would bring diversity to art education. This argument led to the push for more realistic studies in art over the formal system. Notably, art education in the 1990s has emphasized the need for visual art in all aspect of art education.

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