Sunday, December 8, 2019

Broken Roses Analysis on Jar of Hearts free essay sample

The complication of love and loving has no solution. Love lives by no rules, it has no inhibitions and cannot be captive by instructions, directions, or requirements; it is a complete leap of faith in which one becomes hopeless, vulnerable, or intensely affectionate. The result of love has many outcomes, love can mean stability and security, or it can be unstable and frightening. Christina Perri writes about an ex-lover who has hurt her in the past, but wants a second chance to rekindle their relationship.Christina Perri’s lyrics in â€Å"Jar of Hearts† confront her ex-lover about his actions in their relationship and how she is not going to giving him a second chance after his deceit. This song is a representation of a love lost and a heart restored. The music video, directed by Jay Martin, shows the male character engaging in multiple intimate relationships with many different women, which eventually leads him to lose them all one by one, including Perri. We will write a custom essay sample on Broken Roses: Analysis on Jar of Hearts or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Many symbolic elements complement the theme of this video. For example, the smoke/fog and the lighting help set an intense powerful tone for the song and video. Rose petals become a constant symbol. In the Perri’s â€Å"Jar of Hearts† video, the rose petals symbolize love falling apart resulting in the death of love and the rebirth of hopeful love. The black rose petals represent Christina Perri not loving her ex-lover anymore. The color black correlates with death and finality and red roses represent love and romance, so black roses must signify the death-or finality of love. In the beginning of the video, Perri is sitting on a stoop with black rose petals in her hands, while more black rose petals fall from the sky.She sings â€Å"No I can’t take one more step towards you, cause all that’s waiting is regret,† suggesting that she is doesn’t want to allow herself to get close or become vulnerable to the ex-lover. Then she drops the petals from out her hands singing, â€Å"Don’t you know I’m not your ghost anymore. You lost the love I loved the most. † The love between Perri and the ex-lover is evidently over, but her dropping the black petals out her hand is tells us that she is serious and â€Å"Don’t you know I’m not your ghost anymore,† says that she isn’t going to keep trying to resuscitate their love.The falling of the black rose petals is in majority of the scenes of this music video. The black rose petal falling from the sky suggests each one of their relationships with the ex-lover is falling apart and crumbling. For example, when Perri’s ex-lover is kissing a woman in the car, another one in a phone booth, and yet another one under the umbrella, capturing their hearts and love for him. There isn’t any sight of black rose petals falling from the sky on him or the woman he is kissing until the women leave after the end of the kiss.The video is showing the women getting the hearts taken from Perri’s ex-lover and once their hearts ar e gone they express their feeling through dance in black rose petal falling from the sky. Also, as Perri pleads her case through song to her former lover while black rose petals shower her in the video. â€Å"And who do you think you are, running round leaving scars; collecting your jar of hearts, and tearing love apart,† from Perri’s chorus is an attempt to explain to the ex-lover why their relationship is a failure.The phrase â€Å"tearing love apart† ties directly with the petals. A red rose still intact represents love in regular state, it may have some wears and tears but the rose is stay in its bud shape. When love is falling apart that means there is no more single bud of a rose, but only its petals that represent the pieces of the rose. So in this video, Perri’s relationship has fallen apart and died, changing the red petals into black. At the end of the music video, Perri confronts her ex-lover with repeatedly singing â€Å"Who do you think you are†¦Ã¢â‚¬  then she regains her heart from him. Afterwards, the rose petals change to a pink in which represent the rebirth of a hopeful love. Throughout the video, Perri sings about overcoming her emotional strain of a relationship using â€Å"I learned to live half alive â€Å"and â€Å"But I have grown too strong to ever fall back in your arms. † These lines in the song display empowerment and the will to move on. Now, Perri can go into a future relationship without holding on to baggage from her ex-lover. Christina Perri’s â€Å"Jar of Hearts† can easily relate to many women in regards of overcoming a tainted love.Love has several interpretations, but it is up to each individual to define what love is to them. In the music video, Perri’s love went from dark to bright. The black rose petals represent love lost in pain, despair, and greedy. The pink rose petals signify the revival of giving love a chance in the future. â€Å"What doesn’t kill you will only make you stronger,† and that is what this song is about. Work Cited Perri, Christina. â€Å"Jar of Hearts. †Lovestrong. WMG, 2010. Music video. Youtube. 13 June 2011 http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=8v_4O44sfjM

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