Sunday, August 4, 2019

Essay --

The Effects of Concussions on the NFL For many years the NFL has been considered one of the most painful and dangerous sport played in the United States. But is it too Dangerous? The uprising number of concussions is shocking. NFL analysts survives suggest a 14 percent increase of concussions for the year 2013. Player safety rules have also been implemented into the official rule book. The three main effects that concussions have on the NFL today are big hits, big plays, and the defensive game played today. The NFL is known for its gruesome de-cleating hits on players, but the rising number of concussions has stripped players from being able to make these types of plays anymore! After the 2011 lawsuit, the NFL realized that new player safety rules had to be enforced into the NFL rule book. Rules such as no crown on crown to the helmet outside the tackle box have taken away the element of â€Å"big hits† in a football game. 1Redskin’s safety Brandon Meriwether was fined $42,000 for a helmet to helmet hit on Packer’s running back Eddie Lacey. Thank God for technology, because back in the 40’s they played football with leather a helmet. Also the NFL stated a new rule that each NFL team has to have a neurologist placed on the sideline for every official game. Jet’s player Jeremy Kerley suffered from a mind boggling week one injury. Kerley passed the mandatory concussion evaluation and soon after returns to the team. Suddenly, the following same day Jeremy was diagnosed with a concussion. I agree with the saying taking one the team, but playing with a concussion is like playing with fire. Some big hitters in the NFL are viewed as dirty players because of their bone crushing tackles. A lot of coaches like to blame big hits for the fact of... ...grams such as bigger, faster and stronger, there is no way that we can stop concussions from happening. I still watch and love football today but some part of me doesn’t think the defensive game is the same merely because of concussions. Although I think football should still be played in today society, a lot of people are viewing the game differently because of concussions. I disagree with hurting players, but some of the calls made this year dealing with tackling have made my mouth drop several times. Concussions effects on big hits, big plays, and defensive game style have changed the NFL for the worse. I understand that refs have to make what they see right calls, but in many cases players perform perfect technique and still get penalized. Although the NFL game is played at a high level, I believe concussions have taken some of the intensity away from players.

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