Sunday, August 18, 2019

My Incredible Stay in Bolivia Essay -- Observation Essay, Descriptive E

My Incredible Stay in Bolivia As I lifted my heavy suitcase off the wheeled cart, my mind soon went to work reviewing everything I had brought. Considering the mad rush I had to get packed for my ten day stay in Bolivia, I knew there was no way I could have remembered to bring everything. I knew for sure that I had remembered my toothbrush, which is the thing I normally forget. I also mentally went through everything I had packed and to my delight realized I hadn't forgotten a thing! I was so proud of myself! I was part of a twenty-one member team from the United States that went to the largest city in Bolivia to provide humanitarian aid, which included eye exams and refractions. From the Santa Cruz airport, I rode in a small green and white taxi to the small church compound, the place I would be calling home for the next ten days. Stepping out onto the hard packed sandy ground, I silently caught my breath. It was amazing! Breathtaking would be a more appropriate word. Surrounding the small church, were so many different shades of green. The palm trees held a deep sea green color, while the small plants lining the walkway showed a lighter forest green. Plants grew everywhere. Everywhere, including the phone lines! I found out later, that because of the moisture in the air, plants could live anywhere without soil. This explained the hanging plant attached to the phone line directly above the church. A sweet, gentle smell hung in the air. Everywhere I turned, it was there. I soon realized that the smell was coming from a small jasmine bush. The bush had many dainty white flowers and each of them were distributing their fresh scent everywhere. Looking across the street, I could see several more varieties of trees and bu... ... I never fully grasped the power of that statement until I met these people. It is so true. Love bridges that barrier put up between the cultures, and that is enough. The church compound was filled and overflowing with the love these people showed, and to me, there is nothing more special than that. Yes, I will admit, the setting was gorgeous and so different from anything I had ever experience, but the people were what made it memorable for me. When I got back home, I was just as nervous about forgetting something there. I knew I had my toothbrush, and then quickly went through everything else in my suitcase. I was sure I hadn't left anything there, and I was so proud of myself! Then it hit me. I realized I had left something very important there. Something I could not live without. I had left a part of my heart in Bolivia, and I know it will always be there.

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